This is a delicious and nutritious snack I really look forward to. I love how low calorie this is yet so satisfying and filling. When I first came up with this winning combo, I ate it every single day at work for three weeks straight! I also ate it a lot in the weeks leading up to my bikini competition as it kept me full despite being in a calorie deficit.

Serves 1


150g fat free Chobani yoghurt
15g (1/2 a scoop) chocolate protein powder (I use Bare Blends WPI)
1 tablespoon shredded coconut
2 teaspoons chia seeds
1 tablespoon linseed meal
2 tablespoons water
100g mixed berries


  1. In a jar, mix the yoghurt, protein powder, coconut, chia seeds, linseed meal and water together well. It may be a bit runny, but it will thicken once the chia seeds swell up.
  2. Top with the berries.
  3. Wait at least 1 hour before eating. Enjoy with a teaspoon so you get to enjoy the moment for longer :)
Nutritional info per serve:
Calories Carbohydates Fat Protein
291 18g 10g 33g